Dog Training Info & Links
Trained Dogs are the Best and the Safest Dogs!
Garmin-Tri-tronics, Dogtra, SportDOG and other manufacturers offer training advice for proper use of their dog training collars. Read what the manufacturer recommends and watch Videos on YouTube from Professional Dog Trainers.
Build a Better Dog: Links to youtube videos produced for Garmin.
Dogtra's Basic Training with an e-collar
Dogtra Blog
Dogtra iQ Pet Collars include clicker training
SportDOG Training Videos with Tom Dokken
SportDOG Hunting and Training Tips
Dog Training Videos on YouTube
Obedience Training, "Heel", "Fetch" for Retrievers, Use of e-collars, Professional Dog Trainer's Advice and lots more videos on YouTube

Links to Hunting and Dog Publications and More!
Below are a number of links to websites featuring dog training information. There is a wealth of information out there and we hope to make it just a little easier for you to find your way to what you might be looking for.
AKC - American Kennel Club for Purebred Dogs. Canine Good Citizen Program.
American Field The Sportsman's Journal
"The American Field has followed the field trial sport in America since 1874. The field trial pastime encompasses several facets of the game, from horseback stakes to walking events, on every upland gamebird–quail, pheasant, prairie chicken, grouse, woodcock, chukar and Hungarian partridge. Each week, The American Field carries results of trials nationwide."
Beagle Unlimited
BEAGLES UNLIMITED welcomes articles from all experienced Beaglers with an expertise in Beagle breeding, rabbit hunting, gundog Beagle field trialing, canine veterinary information, canine obedience and agility training, gundog Beagle bench shows, varmint hunting, rabbit recipes, firearms safety, marksmanship, and any and all other Beagle related topics.
Bird Dog & Retriever News
"You have just entered the largest hunting & dog site on the net." A valuable resource for upland bird hunters on the internet with the most detailed listing of kennels that raise bird hunting dogs and destinations where hunters may go to hunt. Also introducing the Bird Hunters’ Quarterly Video Magazine
Covey Rise "The Premier Quail Hunting Publication". Information on the latest trends in hunting, dog training techniques, talk with wildlife biologists regarding the rebuilding methods of critical habitats. Tips on creating your own quail habitat management area.
Dog Fancy The World's Most Widely Read Dog Magazine.
Dogtra is a world leader in electronic dog training products. Focusing on durability and superior electronics, Dogtra offers a full line of e-collars for all breeds and all sizes. Dogtra also manufacturers a full line of training collars, no-bark collars, remote bird launchers and pet containment system.
Ducks Unlimited
"The mission of Ducks Unlimited is to fulfill the annual life cycle needs of North American waterfowl by protecting, enhancing, restoring and managing important wetlands and associated uplands."
Full Cry
"Full Cry magazine, published monthly for trail and tree dog enthusiasts, hunters who use dogs to hunt raccoon, bear, cougar, bobcat, squirrel and other game. Interesting and helpful stories and articles for novice and experienced hunters alike. Club news, state and breed reports plus coming events calendar. Your satisfaction guaranteed."
Gun Dog
Gun Dog provides articles and stories that will help its readers become better companions, trainers and hunters. Each issue features breed articles, the latest information on canine medicine, nutrition and new products, hunting stories emphasizing the dog's role in the field, and numerous training articles showcasing the proven techniques developed and utilized by professional and amateur trainers throughout the country.
Upland Almanac
"A Publication for Upland Hunting Enthusiasts With Emphasis on Ruffed Grouse, Woodcock and Related Subjects."
Just Labs Bimonthly publication in celebration of the Labrador Retriever.
Muddy Creek German Shorthair Pointers Gun dog trainers for all the pointing dog breeds. Specializing in German Shorthair Pointers. Their training Philosophy: "A Gundog should Come when called,Whoa when told, and Hunt for the gun. Hunt for the gun meaning the dog has reached a place of understanding that it takes the gun to achieve a Capture ie.,he can't catch a bird without your help. Manners are constructed by repetition, discipline and consistency. Obedience stems from control and control from obedience." Muddycreek Kennels.... German Shorthair Pointers at their best!
North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association Home Page
"The North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association is a nonprofit corporation whose purpose is to foster, promote, and improve the versatile hunting dog breeds in North America; to conserve game by using well trained reliable hunting dogs before and after the shot; and to aid in the prevention of cruelty to animals by discouraging nonselective and uncontrolled breeding, which produces unwanted and uncared for dogs."
Pheasants Forever Dedicated to the conservation of pheasants, quail and other wildlife through habitat improvements, public awareness, education and land management policies and programs.
Pointing Dog Journal
"Training: Articles that examine every facet of training YOUR pointing dog. The country's best and most experienced trainers share their expertise with you. Upland Bird Hunting:, Vet Tips and Features:, Field Trail and Features:, And There's More, including articles on: breeding, the care and raising of pups, features on how and where to hunt, trip reports, shotgunning, and all kinds of tips and articles on how to hunt with, live with, train, and get more enjoyment out of your pointing dog."
Quail Unlimited
"What you see now is only the beginning of what you will see over the coming months. It is our intent to provide a wide assortment of information and services through our web site. This will range from everything from chapter reports, to chapter and national calendars, to behavior and habitat research reports, to dog training tips, and preferred hunting locations."
United Kennel Club, Inc.
Read the latest on our Coonhound, Beagle, Cur & Feist, Hunting Retriever, Pointing Dog or Earth Work programs. Or go here to find out more about our hunting programs in general. Following this link will take you to a page with links to the various hunting program pages and their respective news and event pages. This includes Coonhounds.
The Retriever Journal
"Training: With columnists such as Mike Lardy, D.L. Walters, and Jim and Phyllis Dobbs - the country's best and most experienced trainers share their expertise with you. Upland Bird and Waterfowl Hunting:, Vet Tips and Features:, Field Trial and Test Reports:, And There's More, including articles on: breeding, the care and raising of pups, features on how and where to hunt, trip reports, shotgunning, and all kinds of tips and articles on how to hunt with, live with, train, and get more enjoyment out of your retriever."
Ruffed Grouse Society & American Woodcock Society
"Dedicated to improving the Environment for Ruffed Grouse, American Woodcock, and other forest wildlife."
Shooting Sportsman The Best of Wingshooting and Fine Guns
Spaniels in the Field and Flushing Retrievers
Goals: To support and preserve all the traditional flushing gun dog breeds, To support conservation efforts as they relate to preserving wild hunting space, To foster a conservation ethic by educating the public, especially youth, To pass our hunting heritage to the next generation
Sit means Sit™ and No Limitations™
Revolutionizing the world of dog training!
Sit means Sit Northwest Michgan “To provide training programs that result in a happy, confident, and obedient dog as well as a happy confident and satisfied owner.” Call us now for a FREE Consultation: 231-525-DOGS
That's My Dog
Super Training for every day adventures. Offering workshops to train dog owners on proper way to utilize electronic collar.
Michigan DNR Hunting Seasons and Bag Limits
Hunting Information State By State

Dog Training Schools and Techniques
That's My Dog
Super Training for every day adventures. Offering workshops to train dog owners on proper way to utilize electronic collar.
AKC - American Kennel Club for Purebred Dogs. Canine Good Citizen Program.
Sit means Sit™ and No Limitations™
Revolutionizing the world of dog training!
Sit means Sit Northwest Michigan™ “To provide training programs that result in a happy, confident, and obedient dog as well as a happy confident and satisfied owner.” Call us now for a FREE Consultation: 231-525-DOGS
Windy Ridge Farm-Canine Behavioral Training Certified Canine Trainer 231-920-0418
Beacon Bay Dog Training Dog & Puppy Training for Traverse City & most of Northern Michigan
"I love my e-collar and so does my dog" Facebook page to share your training stories
International Association of Canine Professionals Founded in 1999, the IACP was established to develop and promote the highest standards of professional and business practice among canine professionals. Founded by a small group of dedicated dog trainers, the IACP has grown to include professionals from every corner of the dog world. As a dog owner, this site provides information and resources to help you build a strong and lasting bond with your pet. From dog training, to helping eliminate a dog behavior problem, to pet health and care, the IACP is the web's best resource for informed dog owners.
Assistance Dogs International Assistance Dogs International (ADI) is a coalition of not for profit assistance dog organisations. The purpose of ADI is to improve the areas of training, placement, and utilization of assistance dogs, staff and volunteer education, as well as educating the public about assistance dogs, and advocating for the legal rights of people with disabilities partnered with assistance dogs.
North American Flyball Association
Fast-Paced team dog relay race. 775 clubs since 1984. 4 dogs and 5 people make up a team. 102 foot course is completed by each dog. The dog must grab the tennis ball and race back over hurdles crossing the starting line before the next dog starts. Points and titles. Indoor and Outdoor tournaments.

Your Dog Advisor We advocate for responsible dog ownership and seek to build a global community of informed and caring dog owners. Tips on dog training.
Organizations Promoting Hunting and Wildlife Habitat Preservation
Covey Rise "The South's Premier Quail Hunting Publication". Information on the latest trends in hunting, dog training techniques, talk with wildlife biologists regarding the rebuilding methods of critical habitats. Tips on creating your own quail habitat management area.
North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association
"The North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association is a nonprofit corporation whose purpose is to foster, promote, and improve the versatile hunting dog breeds in North America; to conserve game by using well trained reliable hunting dogs before and after the shot; and to aid in the prevention of cruelty to animals by discouraging nonselective and uncontrolled breeding, which produces unwanted and uncared for dogs."
United Kennel Club, Inc
Read the latest on our Coonhound, Beagle, Cur & Feist, Hunting Retriever, Pointing Dog or Earth Work programs. Or go here to find out more about our hunting programs in general. Following this link will take you to a page with links to the various hunting program pages and their respective news and event pages. This includes Coonhounds.
Ducks Unlimited
"The mission of Ducks Unlimited is to fulfill the annual life cycle needs of North American waterfowl by protecting, enhancing, restoring and managing important wetlands and associated uplands."
Quail Unlimited
"What you see now is only the beginning of what you will see over the coming months. It is our intent to provide a wide assortment of information and services through our web site. This will range from everything from chapter reports, to chapter and national calendars, to behavior and habitat research reports, to dog training tips, and preferred hunting locations."
Ruffed Grouse Society
"Dedicated to improving the Environment for Ruffed Grouse, American Woodcock, and other forest wildlife." Celebrating 10 years online as your online community. Articles and forums.
Michigan Duck Hunters Association The Conservation Pledge: I give my pledge as an American to faithfully defend from waste the natural resources of my country; it's air, soil, and minerals, forest, waters, and wildlife.
Pheasants Forever Dedicated to the conservation of pheasants, quail and other wildlife through habitat improvements, public awareness, education and land management policies and programs.
Upland Habitat Conservancy
The mission of the Upland Habitat Conservancy is
help create, develop & restore upland habitat making it beneficial to the various wildlife that lives in it. "This is a startup non profit based in Michigan but we are willing to help anyone with habitat. We have watched the landscape change for too long while the upland game birds declined. LET’S GO and leave the Uplands better than we found them restoring and managing important wetlands and associated uplands."
Manufacturers Web Sites
E-collar Technologies
Safe & Humane Dog Training. We develop dog training technology that uses the lowest levels of corrective stimulus to improve behavior and reduce stress.
Dogtra is a world leader in electronic dog training products. Focusing on durability and superior electronics, Dogtra offers a full line of e-collars for all breeds and all sizes. Dogtra also manufacturers a full line of training collars, no-bark collars, remote bird launchers and pet containment system.
D.T. Systems
DT Systems, Inc. is the second oldest manufacturer of electronic dog training collars in the world. DT Systems has been building the world's finest, most advanced and affordable electronic training collars since 1983.
SportDOG Brand® provides you Gear the way you’d design it®.
On the Trail GPS for dog tracking, training, bark corrections for sporting dogs and pets
Wildlife Materials
Wildlife Materials is a name that has been recognized for over 35 years for producing high quality radio receivers and transmitters. We take pride in our company's history and will take the knowledge we have gained and apply it toward your needs.